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The Death of Nicou, An African Eclogue

Updated: Oct 5, 2021

This is the second printing, which appeared in the Miscellanies in Prose and Verse of Thomas Chatterton, 1778.

The manuscript is missing, it being likely that Chatterton sent the original to the publisher of the London Magazine in June, 1770 (first printing).

When you read more of what I've written, you might notice that I am a fan of coincidences, perhaps this means I am on the look-out for them; nevertheless, I needed an image to add to this posting and I knew that the Griffin edition had some interesting engravings. So, I went to my bookshelves and pulled out this little book, flipped open the pages only to find that it opened directly to the page you see below.

It's rather a nice engraving heading the poem in Charles Griffin's edition of Poems by Thomas Chatterton, with a memoir by Frederick Martin, author of the Life of John Clare.


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